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Position:Home>Dancing> When clubbing (dancing), what's the best place to keep my purse?

Question:I find it too cumbersome to have my purse hanging on my shoulder when dancing... and I love dancing, so I'm not sure what to do. last time I just stuffed the necessities into my pocket, but didn't feel too safe doing that. Got any answers? Thanks guys.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I find it too cumbersome to have my purse hanging on my shoulder when dancing... and I love dancing, so I'm not sure what to do. last time I just stuffed the necessities into my pocket, but didn't feel too safe doing that. Got any answers? Thanks guys.

i know how you feel, it's annoying because you have to worry about having one extra thing on you. you can either:

1. bring a really small hand purse [kind of like those coach ones] and dangle that from your hand or hold it in your hand while you're dancing.

2. not bring a bag and just stuff your ID and money in your pockets. just check up on it here and there because sometimes money inches out of the pockets.

3. have your friend hold your items for you in HER bag or if you're going with a guy, ask him to hold it for you in his pockets.

4. leave your belongings with your jacket in coat check if there is one.

5. leave everything in the car.

keep the purse in the car

dont bring a purse keep your money inyour bra

buy one of those tiny little organza bags and put your money and lippy in that and then pin it to the inside or side of your bra or shirt.

i ued to use a money clip, with my id and cash and stash it in my bra

I am a dancing freak they have to kick me out lol but i to had this same problem so i got smudge resistant make up put my lip gloss in my pocket and then i keep my money and bankcard and id in my bra because i know there will be nobody reachin in there without me knowing

The only thing you would possibly need inside of a club is your money; and possibly your cell phone if you like to text people from time to time. My suggestion: put your cash in your pocket or bra and leave your phone in the car along with your purse.

Bring some poor schmoe along that you really have no intention of hooking up with and who doesn't really dance. Leave it on a table and ask him to sit there and watch it. Make sure he's good-natured and won't get up and leave when you get crazy on the dance floor with the dude you really want to hook up with. I've seen lots of girls do this and it's hilarious... even though I do kinda feel sorry for the schmoe.

keep it in your car or don't bring one

Get a pair of boots and stash it in there.
If you're not into boots, I guess you could really stash it in any shoes. hah.
And like everybody else said, stash whatever you need in your bra! No matter how it sounds, it works.

bring a friend who hates danceing then give them your purse and tell them to hang out in the bar (ask a friend who really HATES TO DANCE)

best answer - whatever fat little thing wrote

ps: i simply cannot imagine stashing anything in my bra. it's embarrassing and am sure very uncomfortable too since it might keep shifting inside. anyways, not my kinda thing to do.

i like to put my purse on my head.

stuff the cash inside your shoes if its a coverup ;)