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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to learn how to dance hip hop style?

Question:I'm pretty athletic, but i cant do backflips and stuff like that. I have no money for classes, but i really wanna learn to dance. I can kinda dance, but i want to do more. Is there anyway i can learn to dance?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm pretty athletic, but i cant do backflips and stuff like that. I have no money for classes, but i really wanna learn to dance. I can kinda dance, but i want to do more. Is there anyway i can learn to dance?

Watch some videos, ask friends to teach you. Go to some clubs and watch.

look at youtube and try copying moves

if you have a black friend ask them thats how i learned

you want to learn how to do back flips, get a person the same size as you are, maybe a cousin or a brother, some one that can carry you, you will tell them to hold your hips not your ***, your hips and tell them to hold you while you try the back flips, that is how i learned, then after i did it alone.

to learn hip-hop, go to, and look for the hip-hop videos, stepping videos, and try to do what they do in front of a mirror, it is best if you do it with a friend or some one else, because they might get some moves faster than you and others you will learn faster than your friend

Watch ppl

check out on youtube. they have awesome dance moves and full dances that are soo simple
or go directly to the site.