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Question:I need to know what some cool types of cultural dances are. It's for a choreography project in my dance class. My friends wants to do indian style dancing, but any type on cultural dancing is good. Any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to know what some cool types of cultural dances are. It's for a choreography project in my dance class. My friends wants to do indian style dancing, but any type on cultural dancing is good. Any ideas?

African, Lithuanian, Dutch, Scottish Country Dancing, or any dances with patterns.

Gypsy-Russian folk.

i enjoy the indian garba and bellydancing....
and other asian dances
i always liked flamenco dancing
and most espcially west african dances are always interesting and unique, many don't know too much about it....

I Irish step dance, and there's a ton of interesting stuff on that. Especially about how it survived when the English were in Ireland. If you're just looking at it from a choreographer's standpoint, there are a lot of really interesting, complicated movements, and it gets very intricate.