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Position:Home>Dancing> Wat exactly do they mean by "funk" in a locking dance?

Question:i try to make the moves look funky but its not working or its juz tat im doing it wrong. come some1 explain to me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i try to make the moves look funky but its not working or its juz tat im doing it wrong. come some1 explain to me.

The word "funk", once defined in dictionaries as body odor or the smell of sexual intercourse, commonly was regarded as coarse or indecent. African-American musicians originally applied "funk" to music with a slow, mellow groove, then later with a hard-driving, insistent rhythm because of the word's association with sexual intercourse. This early form of the music set the pattern for later musicians. The music was slow, sexy, loose, riff-oriented and danceable. Funky typically described these qualities.
So try to be more sexy, loose and cool, then you will be funky!