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Position:Home>Dancing> Well when i get older I really want to be a dentist, but I also really really li

Question:have to go to collage to become a choreographer/ dance teacher because I was thinking that I could start my own dentistry business but then teach dance classes on the sad. I didn't now if that would be too much. Would i have to go to collage for that dance too?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: have to go to collage to become a choreographer/ dance teacher because I was thinking that I could start my own dentistry business but then teach dance classes on the sad. I didn't now if that would be too much. Would i have to go to collage for that dance too?

Become a dentist. Use the dancing to relax from your academic studies. By the time you have gone through college and dental school, you will have adequate experience to teach. Once you've been working as a dentist for a while, you can take your extra income and start your own dance studio.

Most dance teachers have "day jobs," and most don't have degrees in dance. If you keep up with your dancing you'll probably be more than ready to teach by the time you're a dentist.

yes you would have to go to college for both. because they both require many hours of work. if i were you if you are very passionate about dance go be a dance teacher. if you like looking at peoples teeth every day go be a dentist. but i wouldnt do both because it requires so much work. and long gruelling hours. hope i helped :)

am a dance choreographer but wanted to be a surgeon

but dance is my passion, so think about it