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Question:hey girls my gym is offering pole dancing as a fitness class just to add abit more fun iv signed up to it and would like to know if you have tried it and what you think....let me know please.
thankyou x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey girls my gym is offering pole dancing as a fitness class just to add abit more fun iv signed up to it and would like to know if you have tried it and what you think....let me know please.
thankyou x

hi Hun, I'm a dancer and have pole/podium danced professionally at clubs in and around London.
it's an excellent way to tone waist, thighs, inner and outer legs and the butt. it gives you huge confidence and helps you develop co ordination and balance.
starting in a class is best as the tutor will introduce skills to you slowly and support you with technical moves.
the things to remember are.......
always wear full clothing to start, you WILL bruise and chafe and you will also fall off.
never try complex moves before fully confident, you need to have strong upper body control to lift yourself up high on the pole and this takes time....
and the most important thing...have fun, it's great to meet new people this way, it's very sexy and will give you something to show to others!
if your interested and want to continue when the classes finish their are some portable poles that you can use at home. i have one and they are very sturdy (they click into place between floor and ceiling by a large spring in the pole) below is a link you can check out.

have fun and best wishes x x

I haven't had a go; knowing me my hands would be greasy.. lol

I haven't tried it but I really want to!

I'm just having trouble convincing friends to do it too, I think it would be more fun to do it together so we can laugh at each other lol

I did some pole dancing classes with my best mate, it was good fun, and an excellent workout too! It really tones you up! :) U will enjoy it xx

it's so much fun!!! the only thing is it's hard at first because it works all of your muscles, so be prepared. after a few times it will start getting easier, but it's definatley worth it =]

I've never heard it only seen like on shows or parts in movies..

but I heard it burns a lot of calories and that women are buying dancing poles for their rooms to burn calories!.

it is amazing

it is suh a great work out and it teaches confidence in women

i go to a class which is not sleazy at all, it is just a great work out with the gals

i think every woman should try it beofre the knock it!


I am a trained dancer and its a bit like acting you have to wait for auditions to come up so I pole danced and lap danced and strip teased. pole dancing tones you up and helps lose weight if needed, I know Teri hatcher from dhw does it and i think she looks fab for her age id do it xx

i go to classes every week and its fantastic. you gain strength, muscle tone, friends and self esteem.

Its really, really good fun but be ready for the bruises as will be awhile before you stop getting them.
can garantee as long as you have a good instructor you will love it.

go to a few forums and find a good place with a good repretation near near.