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Position:Home>Dancing> Are mambo music and salsa music the same thing?

Question:I know mambo is cuban..i think?
and salsa was originated in NYC by puerto ricans.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know mambo is cuban..i think?
and salsa was originated in NYC by puerto ricans.

Actually mambo and the roots of salsa are originated from Cuba, although the salsa from Cuba is slightly different and has more Afro-American roots, also called "la salsa gorda" (the "fat" salsa) due to it's heavy rhythms.

From there it was passed along the Caribbean, in the Dominican Republic evolved into "merengue" and also "el ripiao" and "bachata". It was on Puerto Rico that it was globally popularized due to mayor puerto-rican immigrants going to the US, specially NY, and from there became what it is the common salsa.

Tito Puente seems to have put it best: "Salsa is something you eat." The whole idea of "salsa" is just a marketing strategy started by the Fania record label in New York. Of course, those trying to sell something are loathe to restrict their market, so you're not likely to hear many restrictive definitions.