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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i improve in breakdancing(particularly popping and locking etc freestyle)

Question:hip hop should hurt not in the omg i just threw my hip out but you should be really hitting things BAM!! hip hop is about style, just really hit your moves hard and you'll see how much better and faster it gets

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hip hop should hurt not in the omg i just threw my hip out but you should be really hitting things BAM!! hip hop is about style, just really hit your moves hard and you'll see how much better and faster it gets

popping and locking does requiring some technique, but what you need to do is PRACTICE. fsking PRACTICE. can't do without it. practice in the mirror, practice by just fooling around, do the wave with your arm when you reach to grab something.
look in the mirror while practicing, figure out what works and what doesn't. Keep working on your footwork and make it smooth. Make sure you're hitting the beats to the music.
When you get advance, your style should be your own and your moves should be original. keep it going.

The most important thing in popping and locking is to be able to flex and relax specific muscles at your command. The stronger your muscle control, the more difference there is in the relaxed and flexed state. The greater the difference, the "harder" you can pop and lock. You can practice muscle strength and control quite easily. Start with your arm held out bent at the elbow in a shoulder press position. Slowly begin to extend your arm. The instant you want to stop your arm, tense up all of the muscles and stop moving it. Do this sort of thing for various other movements. Screw around like this with music in the background. Have fun with it and you'll get better.