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Position:Home>Dancing> Your thoughts on Competitive Dance/Pageants?

Question:What are your thoughts? I did the whole pageant scene when I was younger but didn't really enjoy it much. I now do competitive dance. It's basically like a pageant without the hair/makeup etc, just the dance aspect. There are also many awards including cash prizes.

What are your thoughts on it? Would you let your children do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are your thoughts? I did the whole pageant scene when I was younger but didn't really enjoy it much. I now do competitive dance. It's basically like a pageant without the hair/makeup etc, just the dance aspect. There are also many awards including cash prizes.

What are your thoughts on it? Would you let your children do it?

I actually really enjoy competitions. I disagree a little with Gina-I have seen plenty of Ballet routines, where the winner puts a lot more heart and soul into it than the one with amazing arches.

It's also very inspiring, seeing other dancers do incredeble things. And you also get kind of used to seeing the competitors in all of the comps. I know that I've seen a few routines done a few times.

I would definately let my child do it. Its something that I've enjoyed and hopefully something they will enjoy.

Good luck with your comps for the year :)

I put my daughter in one pageant and never will again. I have extreme issue with children in the 12-24 month age bracket wearing makeup and hair pieces. Totally inappropriate. I also found the people involved very rude and snobbish.

I think it's a pretty fun idea, because dance is also athletic so there would be no harm done, and it'll help build the kid's stamina, confidence, dance skills, etc. so yeah, I would go for it.

I believe that dance competitions are taking the art out of dance and making it a sport. It encourages dancers to focus on high kicks and extensions, multiple turns and fouettes, and high jumps instead of good technique. Their turns, leaps, and developes and up looking awful because all they focus on is the rick aspect of them instead of making them look beautiful. I guess it makes it easier for dancers who actually have technique because it eliminates some competition at auditions for places like SAB and Ballet Chicago, but it still pretty much disgusts me.

I won't even begin to talk about the pageant scene, which I think is just about the stupidest thing that girls are put through.

i couldn't agree with Gina more. Competitions are awful and anyone who wants to dance professionally wouldn't be caught dead at a competition.