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Position:Home>Dancing> Does ballet stunt young girls' growth and puberty process?


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~Growth: ballet actually helps to elongate muscles, making a girl not look short and bulky. However, if you begin pointe too early the growth of your feet and ankles can and probably will be affected due to impact on growth plates. That is why it is recommended to wait to start pointe until 13 or older
~Puberty: I have never heard that ballet stunts puberty however there are some logical explanations for things. Smaller chests are because you have muscles behind the chest that tend to be fairly strong when you are a dancer because of all the arm work. The building of this muscle burns the fatty tissue surrounding it that cause larger chests. Also, lots of times serious ballerinas have low body fat levels. Having body fat percentage beneath 7% can keep you from starting/having a regular period. That is why dancers that are super thin should keep in contact with a doctor to make sure they are staying healthy.

Overall dance has many more positive impacts on health and should be persued by everyone. I hope I helped!

not like gymnastics. the strict crazy dieting might, but the dancing doesn't.

not usually unless they are starving themselves to stay thin

It doesnt actually stunt it, but it can delay it. Its the same for gymnasts and the like, too. What happens is that a girl needs a certain amount of fat in her body to start menstruating, and if youre a hardcore ballet dancer, its likely that you will be leaner and thus your body thinks you arent ready yet. but all it means is you get it later, not that it doesnt happen at all

the ballet itself doesnt, but dieting associated with ballet does. deffinatly wish i hadnt starved myself in jr high school, might have made it past 5ft tall.


No ballet dose not stunt your growth.