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Position:Home>Dancing> What if someone wants to dance with me or i want to dance with someone?

Question:Ok, well i don't think that any of my school mates are weird or geeky. But what if someone asks me? What do i say? What if i want to ask someone but i to nervous? And if i get rejected? I've been to a dance before but i'm nervous about this one. HELP!?!?!?!?!

p.s- What if i am the only one not dancing with someone?!?And all the boys are taken.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, well i don't think that any of my school mates are weird or geeky. But what if someone asks me? What do i say? What if i want to ask someone but i to nervous? And if i get rejected? I've been to a dance before but i'm nervous about this one. HELP!?!?!?!?!

p.s- What if i am the only one not dancing with someone?!?And all the boys are taken.

These younger years are the best times of your life. If some boy asks you to dance with him but you don't want to dance with him, dance with him anyway. If you want to ask a boy to dance go ahead and do it. Who cares if he turns you down. Asking someone to dance isn't a marriage proposal and it doesn't even mean actually like the guy either so don't worry about it. Dances are just for having fun. So go out and just have fun!

Just dance!!! Don't worry so much about it just go and have fun with your friends.