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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can I take breakdance classes?

Question:Are there any breakdance classes here in the Philippines?
Specifically from san Pedro Laguna or Near manila or makati?
please tell me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any breakdance classes here in the Philippines?
Specifically from san Pedro Laguna or Near manila or makati?
please tell me.

try checking the phone book, doing an internet search or asking people in your area if they know of any. if there aren't any that are close enough, you could ask a friend to teach you or try learning online. that's what i do. sites like and are really good for video, text, and/or picture guides. most guides are very easy to follow (not necessarily meaning that the moves are easy to learn however). i would suggest learning basic toprock moves, 6 step, and baby freeze first because they are some of the simple foundational moves that beginners should learn early on.

good luck! (breakin' is awsome by the way)

call up your local dance school and tell them what you want, they will be in a better position to guide you

there are tutorial videos you can purchase, AND you can even find some free ones on

just watch music videos, go to doyodance .com, and lokk at the breakdancing videos.