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Position:Home>Dancing> About how long does it take for you to do a fouette? (science fair)?

Question:Speed and how long it takes for you to do atleast 2 or 3

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Speed and how long it takes for you to do atleast 2 or 3

I would estimate between 1-2 seconds per fouette. But, as mentioned, it can vary. Try to find the final dance sequence in Center Stage - there's a great fouette sequence which I would say is a very average speed.

it completely depends on the dancer and the music. if the dancer is going to the music, it depends on the speed of the music and how much time is between each count of 8. generally, if you are doing fouettes to a typical dance song (not a slow or fast speed, but one with a moderate tempo, like you would hear on a popular radio station playing pop music), you should do 4 complete fouettes in one 8-count. when a dancer practices them, they can go as fast or slow as they physically can. this is about he best i can explain what i think your asking!

Fouette - "to whip"

Men and Women do different Fouette Piroettes and the men especially can do them very slowly or very quickly. As the previous answer indicates men practise them both slowly and quickly.

Women's fouette's are usually much faster as the leg whips in and out instead of staying in Second postion as the men's do. On their own (ie without a partner)most women's fouettes are performed quickly.

Now if you are asking how long does it learn how to do them and do 2 or 3 - I'd have to say again it is relative to the dancer. Usually if you are good at balancing, then piroettes come easily then fouettes are the next big challenge. Then Doubles/Triples... etc can take days weeks month or years. Margot Fontein always said she hated doing them coz she wasn't any good at them and she was quite old when she finished up.

Me I got singles easily and by 14 doubles and triples were easy too. But then I was great at piroettes and hopeless at petite allegro

I'm estimating that a skilled ballerina's fouette would be about 1 sec for each rotation (probably a little over 1 second). However, most of the time fouettes are done to music, and you just go the speed of the music.