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Position:Home>Dancing> How do u call when guys carry the girls and swing them arrownd when dancing sals

Question:I think you may be describing one of the "air steps" borrowed from swing dancing, but it would be useful if your description were a bit more expansive.
Lum, if you're being pulled like that, your partners aren't leading a cross-body lead correctly. The lead in the hands should be every bit as soft as with a simple basic step.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you may be describing one of the "air steps" borrowed from swing dancing, but it would be useful if your description were a bit more expansive.
Lum, if you're being pulled like that, your partners aren't leading a cross-body lead correctly. The lead in the hands should be every bit as soft as with a simple basic step.

If the guy is leading the girl and swinging them so they switch positions on the dance floor, it is called a cross body lead. It is one of the basic steps that is used often in all levels of salsa dancing.