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Question:I would love to take lessons in Ballroom Dancing, but my boyfriend's excuse is that we're too mismatched in height to be able to do it.

Does anyone know if a man who is 6'2 with a woman who is 5'0 ballroom dance comfortably? Is it more difficult for him to lead or anything else? Any information would be great. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would love to take lessons in Ballroom Dancing, but my boyfriend's excuse is that we're too mismatched in height to be able to do it.

Does anyone know if a man who is 6'2 with a woman who is 5'0 ballroom dance comfortably? Is it more difficult for him to lead or anything else? Any information would be great. Thanks!

Hi! Im a competitive ballroom dancer
The height difference would really make a difference when starting off however as you progress on it may be a problem. You would never see a competitive couple that specializes in ballroom with that height difference however there are some top latin couples with noticable height differences.
In ballroom the hieght difference would affect boday contact, which would affect the ability to lead difficult steps.
Like I said there wont really be a problem starting out, as beginners its just about learning the basics :o)

I don't ballroom dance but I do know a few dances here and there. I'm 5"3' and most of the men that ask me to dance are much taller than me. Height really should have nothing to do with it. It's really about learning to lead your partner and learning how their body moves and learn to move your body in step with your partners. Good luck!

I absolutely dont see where there should be any problem..Hes tall and youre shorter by one foot two inches..that just means you two will be faster in dancin..and thats awesome!!!Nobody know on this planet until they "TRY" So TRY...Check it out..You both might LOVE IT!!;)

That is a big height difference, but it won't matter on the Latin dancing as you're not travelling together much. The only dances that may affect you (as the follower) are the Smooth/Standard dances (like Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango) where you really have to take larger strides to keep up with your boyfriend's steps.

It will be several years before you reach the competition stage where you have to worry about the height difference between the two of you. There is no excuse for now to begin to take lessons together.