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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the difference between Hawaiian & Polynesian dancing?

Question:I'm going to take Hawaiian (Hula?) lessons soon, do I get to learn how to shake my *** really fast? Or is that Polynesian dancing? Please explain the differences to me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going to take Hawaiian (Hula?) lessons soon, do I get to learn how to shake my *** really fast? Or is that Polynesian dancing? Please explain the differences to me!

Hawaiian dance (hula) is slow and graceful, you use your hands a lot. It's kind of telling a story with your hands. I think the other dance you are refering to is Tahitian, when you shake your hips really fast and the focus is on her hips and you use less hand motions. Both are Polynesian dances.

Hawaiian is one type of Polynesian dancing. You may learn to shake it, but probably not right away.