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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think this is a good song? (hip hop)?

Question:nice beat, excellent flow, excellent topic, rhymefest - All Girls Cheat

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: nice beat, excellent flow, excellent topic, rhymefest - All Girls Cheat

I love Rhymefest and his rapping ability. This song is great lyrically and it has a good beat. It's not really a dance beat, but more of a "bob your head while driving" beat. I love my explosive party rap and hip-hop. but I also am a big fan of mellow stuff like this. So yeah, I think it's a good song.

Pretty nice beats, and I like the chorus but I don't like the other verses too much. The rapping seems to get in the way a little. not because I like rap but because I'm used to listening to breakbeats which have few or no words.
It wouldn't but a song I'd dance to but it' s good song.

to be honest, i wouldnt make up a dance for it... i teach hip hop and while i like slower songs, this one doesnt strike me. i like it for just listening to, but as a hip hop dance i wouldn't choose it.

Okay but , don't quit your day job