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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I Quit ballet?

Question:Well here is the story
I have been doing ballet for at least five years and just started jazz i am currently also doing hip hop.Every Week i always try to figure out a way to quit ballet it just never comes to me .I once told them please dont get angry i just dont have the passion for ballet and they go on about you have been doing it for many years so you cant quit now they even told me it when i was litlle. Also i told them its a waste of money doing sumthng i dnt wanna do then they just go on about then you cant do any other sport like netball for school (i love netball to) and that made me annoyd so i just went upstairs.This has been goin on for many years so i hope you can figure out an answer for me
I hope you understand my story

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well here is the story
I have been doing ballet for at least five years and just started jazz i am currently also doing hip hop.Every Week i always try to figure out a way to quit ballet it just never comes to me .I once told them please dont get angry i just dont have the passion for ballet and they go on about you have been doing it for many years so you cant quit now they even told me it when i was litlle. Also i told them its a waste of money doing sumthng i dnt wanna do then they just go on about then you cant do any other sport like netball for school (i love netball to) and that made me annoyd so i just went upstairs.This has been goin on for many years so i hope you can figure out an answer for me
I hope you understand my story

Everyone is different and likes different things. I did ballet when I was five but I quit because it just din't do it for me. If you want to quit just digs your heels in and tell people. Nobody can make you do something that you don't want to do. I don't know why they would stop you doing other things if you quit ballet. Dancing is fun but if ballet isn't for you, just say no more. And if they refuse to let you quit, refuse to do ballet. they can make you go but they can't make you dance. If your heart isn't in it then there is no point. It sounds as though you're really enjoying the other dance styles and I think that you should just stand your ground. You have the right to do what you want to do. Try researching human rights because if worse comes to worse, you will have a good case to put to your parents LOL.
Hope this helps and don't give up hope!

You say: "My schedules too packed so I need to quit." Done. But you shouldn't, cuz ballet's awesome.

I think you just need to be firm. Don't sound like you are asking permission. Tell them straight up that you have too much going on and that you are going to take a break from ballet. Don't burn any bridges by making them angry. Tell them you appreciate the support, but with all do respect, you know that you are too busy to pursue ballet. You hope that in the future you can take it up again, but for now, you will be stopping.

You shouldn't quit the reason you don't have a passion problaly has to do with the dance school, you should change dance schools. :)
Ballet will you further in life. :) Your dance teachers are right, you shouldn't quit, learn to love the art! :)
Happy Dancing!!! :)

Say I just can't do it all anymore

Well why do you need to ask that Q. it is not that hard just say " I am done"

quitting ballet is difficult because it's a form of dance that everything revolves around. my advice would be not to quit but change studios a new atmosphere will change your outlook.

since you are a jazz and hip hop dancer you need the base trainging that ballet gives. quitting ballet would be a mistake if you plan to pursue a career in dancing.

i think you should try switching studios first. i totally understand where youre coming from, the same thing happened to me. i quit when i was young and i wish i hadnt. i should have changed schools because at my studio it was incredibly boring and we almost only did bar work (well i was very young too, like 10ish) i would really try to go to a different class before quitting, but either way you have to quit ballet in the class ur in now. i would tell them that you just need a break and that you have too much going on right now. its your choice, not theirs! good luck!

Ballet is beautiful but I understand if you like hip-hop or jazz more. These two dances ( hip hop and jazz), let you show what you really feel, through dancing. Ballet is more like theatre, you have to act like the person, like Cinderella, The swan princess, etc. But maybe you could try figure skating? there you can use a combination of dances, and plus, at figure skating you have to be very flexible. Anyway, I hope that you will be happy with what ever you choose to do!

By 'them' do you mean your teachers or parents? Either way, nobody can force you to dance. Sure its kind of hard to quit when you've been dancing for so long, but if you don't want to do ballet you don't have to do it! I would definitely talk with them about how you feel. If you're mature and responsible about it, they'll probably understand and see that you don't want to do this anymore.
