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Position:Home>Dancing> Starting ballet classes....! Help!?

Question:Okay, so I've decided to start taking dance classes this year (Im sixteen) and my mom and my friend want to too. They both voted ballet, so Im starting ballet. Im super nervous. Is 16 too late to start ballet? I mean I think Im one of the least graceful people on this planet. I keep telling myself that it will be good for me, but Im so nervous! Any tips, anybody? Thank you =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, so I've decided to start taking dance classes this year (Im sixteen) and my mom and my friend want to too. They both voted ballet, so Im starting ballet. Im super nervous. Is 16 too late to start ballet? I mean I think Im one of the least graceful people on this planet. I keep telling myself that it will be good for me, but Im so nervous! Any tips, anybody? Thank you =)

i have to admit...being clumsy doesn't mean you wouldn't be a graceful dancer...i kno im more graceful dancing because when im just walking around i feel so off center cuz my feet aren't turned out or something. but no 16 isn't to old it's more difficult of course because its harder to become more flexible and make your body do what dancing requires, but not impossible. especially since you are able to get the concepts and understand better since you are older

my 10 tips for success in ballet:
1) be sure to try. give it both barrels and have confidence. thats the way to get a move
2) remember to relax
3) breathe. dont hold your breathe. if you feel like you can't breathe in then take a breathe before the move and then exhale. it works very well. this is my little trick
4) when it comes to balance always imagine that there is a string going from the ceiling to the top of your head all the way to your feet.
5) dont stress if you dont get something. it'll come the more you practice
6) drink water, eat (not before you dance tho) you dont want to dance if your really hungry or thirsty. plus you need to stay hydrated anyways.
7) listen to your teacher and take all the advise she/he gives you.
8) stretch often. it keeps up your flexibility and helps you get better in class. so while watching tv, homework, computer, brushing your teeth, stretch stretch stretch.
9) turn off your phone during class. teachers dont like it when goo goo dolls or bon jovi starts rockin during barre excersizes haha.
10) and finally, outside of class work up stamina. go for a run, do push ups, sit ups, or anything. classes sometimes do this for conditioning. so its just all the better if you start before that way your not doing 20 and then falling over...i can do probably about 150 sit ups pretty easily. so just get that core muscular and it will help you sooso much.

good luck! and have fun!

Well, are you starting in a beginners' class? Because then you'll do just fine! But, if you are going to be with experienced 16 year olds, then maybe I would look for a beginners' class, because ballet is very difficult.

Take lessons at a community is cheaper than many ballet school, and you will be with many other adult and teenage beginners. You should be able to enroll at 16; just go talk to an admissions counselor and say you would like to audit a gym class. They may even have a beginner program for teenage dancers as part of their non-credit community education program.

You can start balet at any age and still be good at it, so don't worry. It will be frustrating at first because there are a lot of French terms to learn, not to mention the movements that go with them. Don't worry. It'll become second nature after a while. You'll be tempted to quit after a month or so, but keep with it! You'll probably have to wait a couple years to be put in pointe shoes (toe shoes) because you need a lot of strength and technique for pointe. My tips for the beginning dancer: stretch like crazy, remember to point your toes and turn out using your inner thighs and butt, and don't loose confidence if you mess up. You'll have tons of fun! Good luck!

Don't worry about starting too late-it's never to late to chase your dreams. There are going to be people in your class that are just starting out too. And as for the graceful thing, believe me we all can be klutzes! Buy a good quality leortard and some ballet slippers, ask your dance teacher if you can practice some stretches at home. Keep an open mind and remember: if you have butterflies in your stomach before your first class, surprisingly, thank yourself. Dance teachers want butterflies, because it means passion, and without passion there would be no dancing. And even the most professional ballerina was a beginner at some point right? You're going to be GREAT! Keep telling yourself that! Good luck, girl!

work hard, dont give up, it'll b hard, try to hav fun!!!

it's NEVER to late.

watch more advanced people[try to copy wat they do]

if your sour the next day, you did everything RIGHT!!!

= D

it is never too late to start learning!

ballet is fun-it's the basis for all categories of dance

good luck! and dont be nervous :]