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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance- I've always wanted to learn how to dance. How long will it take? what

Question:I started dancing when I was in Pre-school, but I quit when I got up to 3rd grade. I've always wanted to go back in it. Currently, I'm in a hip hop class...but I've always wanted to learn how to really dance. How long do you think it'll take me to learn? What do I have to do to achieve that? ...I live in a town where most people know how to dance, but it's not real "hip hop"...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I started dancing when I was in Pre-school, but I quit when I got up to 3rd grade. I've always wanted to go back in it. Currently, I'm in a hip hop class...but I've always wanted to learn how to really dance. How long do you think it'll take me to learn? What do I have to do to achieve that? ...I live in a town where most people know how to dance, but it's not real "hip hop"...

Dance - art of expression through body movements.
hip hop is real.
How long will it take? Forever
What will it take? You dedication and passion
Dancing is something really fun, but for some people, can be hard to get. If you want to be good enough for performing in big shows, I would have to say at least 5 years. Dancing is pretty easy and fun when you're alone or with friends, but with 1000's of ppl watching you?
Anyone can 'really dance'. I suggest that you enroll in a class that you have more interest in.
good luck

It'll take a pretty long time to tell you the truth...well, depending on what type of dance you want to do.Ballet will DEFFINETLY take the longest, but it's worth it. It's good that you want to get back into it. Since you've had dance expirience, it wont be so hard. Theres really no telling how long it will take you to learn. You could pick it up really fast, or take a little bit longer, like me. To really achieve it, you have to work hard, practice at home, and just work really hard in dance class. Work hard, you can do it!!!!!

you should go to your local studio and take as many classes as you can and always work hard in class. maybe take a class that is above your level to challenge yourself so you can keep improving. the more work you put into dancing, the easier it comes and the better you get.

well it really depends on the person
if you're really committed to it, you can get pretty far in 3 years
if you want it really badly, i suggest stretching splits every day for about a half an hour total

I do ballroom dancing. But there is also an aspect of it called latin american that some people over look. Each dance has its own characteristics and it is as much acting as dancing eg. the rumba is supposedly the dance of love. Iv been dancing for 5 years now competitively and it takes a lot of hark work. You can dance casually or competitively. I satarted out in a social class with loads of other kida=s my age and learning, just like me. You can take it as seriously or as casually as you like. Just don't overlook it because it is really fun and a great way to meet new people.

Hey! If your ambition is to become a dancer, then you really have to work hard! For hip hop, you need to have a good figure too. And you really have to enjoy it! So shake it, girl! Good luck!