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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there a website that can show you dance moves?

Question:I am sure that youtube etc can help. But, I was looking for a site that explained each step. Some friends and I are trying to determine a certain sequence and no one really knows exactly what steps are taken.

Also, I learned a new (to me anyway) dance this past weekend. A version of the Electric Slide with the following steps...
*step right, then left, then right
*instead of stepping right, you swing your right leg behind you to turn you to counterclockwise
*pause two beats in the music then you do a couple little quick steps/hops forward; then back, then forward but further
and it starts over

I wanted to make sure I remembered this correctly before a party this weekend.

Does anyone know the name of the dance/song?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am sure that youtube etc can help. But, I was looking for a site that explained each step. Some friends and I are trying to determine a certain sequence and no one really knows exactly what steps are taken.

Also, I learned a new (to me anyway) dance this past weekend. A version of the Electric Slide with the following steps...
*step right, then left, then right
*instead of stepping right, you swing your right leg behind you to turn you to counterclockwise
*pause two beats in the music then you do a couple little quick steps/hops forward; then back, then forward but further
and it starts over

I wanted to make sure I remembered this correctly before a party this weekend.

Does anyone know the name of the dance/song?

Congratulations on making a dance with a twist. The name of the song is simply The Electric Slide.

I found a site on wikipedia that describes how to do many of the basic steps from line dances. It does a pretty good job:

Take these steps and create new dances with new songs. They'll be a hit at the party!

you could always try youtube