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Position:Home>Dancing> Winter formal dance help? im a guy?

Question:im a 15 yo guy i have never danced before i went to a school dance bak in jr high but it wasnt a dance really.... it was like carnival games... neways i have no idea what to wear/ how to dance at it, etc... neone wanna help me? im like desperate lol what do i waear? how do i dance at it???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im a 15 yo guy i have never danced before i went to a school dance bak in jr high but it wasnt a dance really.... it was like carnival games... neways i have no idea what to wear/ how to dance at it, etc... neone wanna help me? im like desperate lol what do i waear? how do i dance at it???

all black formal stuff, solid color tie thats cool. always works.
depends how your school dances and stuff but dont worry watch what every one else is doing (like danceing) and do that. dont get scared to ask chicks if they wanna dance.

black long sleeve collared shirt with like a silverish colored tie...classic guy look for a school dance sorta thing...just try not to go way over the top with dressing up...girls dont usually like that and as for the dancing going on youtube and just watching other people dancing....ask a few close friends for can watch those sweet sixteen videos on mtv if u want cuz they show some clips of peeps dancing and stuff...those r usually typical dance moves...idk...just be yourself!!!! :D good luck

You will be happy to know that most of the other people can't dance either. Find a really hot looking girl and tell her you can't dance and ask her to teach you. You both will have something to talk about all evening, she will feel really good about helping you, and you will look good just because you are out on the dance floor.

if you want to wear somthing nice you should wear some clothes of gotta have sum criss stuff...fill me...then ya junks cant b tight.....they have to be nic like sum jeans and then you could put on a nice shirt. and then dance like theres no 2marrow