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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the name of the tyupe of dance where it is fast paced and uses a lot of

Question:I completely forgot the name and I need to know. Someone told me what it is called and I thought she said flourescent but i searched it and no dance to that name came up. Please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I completely forgot the name and I need to know. Someone told me what it is called and I thought she said flourescent but i searched it and no dance to that name came up. Please help.

sounds like krumping - a type of hip hop that's really high energy and fast

jazz? raving? haha im not sure there are lots of face paced dance styles.

if it's to techno, I'd say raving,
break dance and it's variations (poplock, uprock, hiphop, and power moves) can also be fast paced

Street/ Hip-hop