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Position:Home>Dancing> How come a lot of people keep saying?

Question:that ballet is the basis of ALL dances? So latin dances were based on ballet? hmm nope. They were based on the african rhythms brought by african slaves when the europeans were in control of latin america (spanish,portuguese,french). Oh, bellydancing and tahitian how are they related to ballet? Many others i could mention but why are some dancers so adamant?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that ballet is the basis of ALL dances? So latin dances were based on ballet? hmm nope. They were based on the african rhythms brought by african slaves when the europeans were in control of latin america (spanish,portuguese,french). Oh, bellydancing and tahitian how are they related to ballet? Many others i could mention but why are some dancers so adamant?

What they mean by saying "ballet is the basis of ALL dances" is that if you are trained in ballet, you can do many other forms of dance well. Other forms of dance come easier to those with ballet training. This is because ballet is complicated and focuses on many intense aspects of dance training. That expression does not mean that latin dance was created out of ballet. It implies that with a strong foundation in ballet, a dancer can do most forms of dance well.

yeah but i did not know that!

maybe they mean dances like jazz and stuff - obviously al dances cant because ballet is from france and france didnt rule the wrold so i thknk that your right - and i have never heard that before and i do tap, hip hop, jazz and all types of ballet
Hope it helps

maybe not, but ballet can certainly help. it can help specifically with technique, positions, and the way a dancer is supposed to carry himself/herself no matter what style of dance they are doing.


they probably mean that ballet is the basis of training your body and positioning to be able to do a variety of dances

Ballet provides a good foundation for all dances!

It's the basis of MOST but not ALL. I think ballet basically gives you the strength and flexibility of all dances. As well as modern.