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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you get a ideal ballet dancers body?

Question:like what should i be eating, what kind of excersises etc.

oh and nothing to long
i wont proberly read it
i lose attention quickly


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like what should i be eating, what kind of excersises etc.

oh and nothing to long
i wont proberly read it
i lose attention quickly


Ideal bodies... an ideal is an unattainable thing. You are born with the body you have and that body is most likely not 'ideal'. What you do have though is perfectly fine. You're on the right track with getting diet and exercise advice (neither of which I have since I haven't pursued ballet). I would just warn you to not expect perfection.
And watch Center Stage if you get a chance... it's a great movie!

depends on your body type if you could have an ideal ballet dancers body. and it usually starts to be formed as a small child. even if i were in ballet at age 2 i would never have the perfect body for it. bc i have a broader body structure than the petite things they have for dancers. im sure i wasnt much of a help but thas my thoughts on it!

Sit ups
Jumping to dance music
holding legs above ground

i would do pilates! : )

The kind of body that SAB is looking for is one that you'd be born with. My 20 year old daughter is a highly trained dancer who is naturally quite thin, but she was rejected both times she auditioned for SAB (when she was younger) because she is too curvy and doesn't have the best turnout. However, she's gotten scholarships to other major programs as well as being on a dance scholarship in college. Just because you may not have the ideal body for SAB doesn't mean you can't be a dancer. However, having a long attention span also would help.

short questions aren't necessarily the best.
take this one, for example.

Eat lots of fruit and veggies
And tons of water
Chocolate milk is good for you.

Do Pilates
And Running