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Position:Home>Dancing> When can I start pointe??

Question:I'm wondering if I'm not advanced enough to do pointe, or my dance school does not teach it. I have been doing ballet since last year, age 10, and now I'm eleven. I have moved up from beginner to junior in one year, and I'm not sure if that's much of a accoplishment. People say pointe starts for most girls at 12, but since I started late does mean it's even further down the road? Thank you for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm wondering if I'm not advanced enough to do pointe, or my dance school does not teach it. I have been doing ballet since last year, age 10, and now I'm eleven. I have moved up from beginner to junior in one year, and I'm not sure if that's much of a accoplishment. People say pointe starts for most girls at 12, but since I started late does mean it's even further down the road? Thank you for your help!

You don't start at a certain age, you could be 18 and start pointe. You have to have strong ankles and feet. And good balance and also you must have very strong legs. If you do not have strong ankles,legs or feet and you go on pointe you could seriously injure yourself. And you could ask your teacher if your academy teaches pointe. Most academies that teach ballet also teach pointe as well.

age has nothing to do with starting pointe. it all depends on how strong your feet and legs are. you really have to be careful with that because if you start pointe when your feet arent ready you could damage you feet or ankles by twisting them or breaking a foot, etc. some girls start pointe by 15 or patient grass hopper lol.

Someone wouldn't get on pointe just because they are 12. There are a lot of requirements. Its a painful process and requires as much training as possible. It takes most girls many years to get enough strength and technique for pointe work.

that is a huge accomplishment! however, you need multiple years of training before starting pointe. if you continue at this rate of speed, you'll be there in just a few years. steady, consistant traning is the best way to advance. make sure to pay close attention in class, and practice often at home. it will pay off.

You need at least three years of GOOD training before going on pointe. You must be extremely strong and capable on 3/4 pointe. Anyone can buy a pair pointe shoes and stand on their toes. That is not the issue. The goal is to be able to dance in them as well, if not better than you dance without them. They are not a crutch. You are also a bit young for pointe shoes, because you want to wait until your feet are fully-formed and ossified. Otherwise, the dance can deform your feet. If I were you, I would aim at 12 & 1/2 or 13 years old. Your dance mastery and your foot maturation should meet at that time, making it the opportune time to go on pointe.