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Position:Home>Dancing> Im having a 15th dance party but how do i make sure no one gets bored?

Question:im going to be having a dance party but i dont want ANYONE to get bored and how do i make sure nobody just stands around and actually DANCE?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going to be having a dance party but i dont want ANYONE to get bored and how do i make sure nobody just stands around and actually DANCE?

I suggest you play lively songs that most of your guests are into.
Don't give them restrictions, let them do whatever they want...

I would suggest serving alcohol, and making sure that the BPM rate of the music is sufficiently high. Some funk wouldn't hurt either. I would also avoid inviting boring wallflower-esque losers. For that matter, I would avoid playing the wall flowers.

Think of something that could astonished everyone.... some sort of group dance or performance....or something so funny..
U may ask friends perform something extraordinary