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Position:Home>Dancing> Hip hurts after tryin the splits?

Question:I have been trying to do the splits, and today I got really close but now my right hip really hurts like I need to pop it back or something?

What do you think I did to it?
How should I go about fixing/healing it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been trying to do the splits, and today I got really close but now my right hip really hurts like I need to pop it back or something?

What do you think I did to it?
How should I go about fixing/healing it?

you probably over streched your hip flexors. it just means that you should also stretch out your hips before splits. it happens because splits strain your hip flexors a lot and you are not used to it.

Make sure you are stratching fully before attempting the splits.

If it hurts, THEN DON'T DO IT
Try some homeopathic Arnica

Umm honey, u have been messin w/ ur muscles down their so Duhhhh. ur gonna be sore and in pain. Try doing a lil every day and strech more ..

im not sure but i heard that it has to do with someothing because you did it at once. doing it all at once, all of a sudden can give a surprise to your muscles and it hurts for a while. if you can still move around fine but it hurts, it probably isn't broken. wait a while before going to et medications BUT some pain healing stuff might make it a tiny bit better.

well if its the center splits then i know whats wrong the exact same thing happened 2 me.

ur hips are kinda meant to b straight down not straight out 2 the sides. so they r just not used 2 bn straight out like that. just take your time and gradually go lower and lower dont force ur self all da way down.

to heal it or if u need 2 pop it do side lunges of stand w/ ur feet kinda far apart ((farther than shoulders)) and lean to that side that ur hip is on thats sore. u have 2 kinda push ur hip with ur hand towards ur other side.

its kinda hard 2 explain but i think u get my point.