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Position:Home>Dancing> Am i too fat or too old to start taking ballet?

Question:I'm 15 years old, 5'7 and 140 pounds. I've never done ballet in my life, or any form of dance. I'm really interested in it, though and I'd like to get in better shape and do something that I think's fun. I'm thinking about taking classes... do studios give adult beginner classes? Will they accept me? I'm a self-conscious person and I want to do this for myself to kind of break out of my shell.
What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 15 years old, 5'7 and 140 pounds. I've never done ballet in my life, or any form of dance. I'm really interested in it, though and I'd like to get in better shape and do something that I think's fun. I'm thinking about taking classes... do studios give adult beginner classes? Will they accept me? I'm a self-conscious person and I want to do this for myself to kind of break out of my shell.
What do you think?

That's not fat at all, it's actually average.
But for losing weight from ballet? You don't really lose weight from ballet, not very much and that's only if your on pointe. :)
But I would start ballet first because it's the foundation of all dance, and requires a lot of displine, and it's great for someone with no prior experiance.
But after you just used to ballet, I'd continue with it and join Hip Hop too, Hip Hop is a great way to lose weight and build abs.
That will positively pull you out of your shell. :)
Have fun dancing!

do it

of course they will let you take classes and most dance studios do have adult classes. it is a lot of fun and work but it is rewarding

lol I opened this thinking that it was a 54-year-old 200 lbs woman asking this. Geez, you're fine. Find a class and just dance your heart out!

no. you aren't fat at all. where do you GET this stuff from?? go for it. take a beginner class. it's one of the best ways to exercise and be healthy.

it might be a little diffucult at first but if that is ur goal go for it! and many studios do give adult beginner classes

Darling if you have the chance to take the class do it. This will make you limber and light on your feet and give you the confidence you need. You'll be great at it your size is actually ok for your height

You said you want to get in shape and have fun. Go for it. Look up dance studios in your area and call around. Ask them if they have beginning classes for your age and weight range. The ones that do, ask if you can come by an observe before you make a commitment. All they can say is yes or no.

it doesnt matter wat size u r so just do it!!!

i take it there are people of all shapes and sizes in my class
its great excersize
i dont think it matters what you look like, wheigh ect.

you can dance at any age!

GREAT idea.

NO YOUR not too old or too fat. just go take classes and have fun. you MIGHT not be professional but maybe you will. who knows? just give it your all ! best wishes.