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Question:would you need to get into The School Of American Ballet?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: would you need to get into The School Of American Ballet?


i may not be in the American school of ballet, but i am in the Australian one and i guess they would be lookig for the same things. they lok for girls who have a great dance style and great arms and legs. they also look for girls who arent to thin because they are trying to get rid of the skinny look. we have a weight limit here your not allowed to weigh more then 55kg and less then 40. the body type really depends on what kind of bone fram you have.

at least in shape and flexible.

Medium tall,
Lith. (No boobs, they look "unprofessional")

At the very least, SAB needs you to be very thin (including small bust) and have great, natural turnout. Ideally, they also want you to have a small head, long neck, shortened torso and long, thin, lean and attractive legs.