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Position:Home>Dancing> When did Miley Cyrus stop cheerleading?

Question:i was just wondering, like what uear was it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i was just wondering, like what uear was it?

Miley loves to cheerlead. I think she quit because of her fame. After all, her life is so busy, between interviews and performances and filming and recording new albums, she's BUSY. Having to commit to a weekly commitment like cheerleading would be nearly impossible. Wouldn't the teachers get mad if she had to keep canceling? And plus, think about how crazy her classmates would go if MILEY CYRUS!! was in their cheerleading class. Things would go crazy.

That's probably why. As for the year, well, what year did Hannah Montana come out? ;)

When she realized she could make more money singing.