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Question:one foot is much stronger and has a higher arch , how can i even this out and improve?
ive started pointe december last year, and havent done any major things. only releves and eschappes -them sort of things.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: one foot is much stronger and has a higher arch , how can i even this out and improve?
ive started pointe december last year, and havent done any major things. only releves and eschappes -them sort of things.


stand in 5th with weaker foot in front

bring back foot to coupe'

releve en pointe (at the bar, of course!) in sets of 20 or so.

then, do the same thing but snatch your foot underneath
yourself (like you would in a pirouette) instead of just pushing onto your box

make sure you are on your box completely each time, and GOOD LUCK strengthening yourself!

Try doing releves just on your weaker foot. This happened to me and my teacher took my pointe shoes away. I did all of the pointe exercises on flat. It really helped strengthen my feet.

just streatch your foot go online and search foot excersises

You could buy a pro arch, which is where you put your fot and stretch your for to get a better, higher arch. Try doing warm up excersizes on your weaker foot for just 10-15 minutes a day and carry on dancing as normal. Try doing your releves on that weaker foot too. Pointe is an extensive art and should be studied deeply, so dont let this small set back knock your confidence! Keep Dancing!xx

try to do releves on your bad foot (only if you feel you are strong enough) strech that foot and do lots of exercises that involve you pushing that arch out. sometimes bending the shoe before you start class helps to make your arches better

There is no way to make you arch higher on the foot, your arch is genetically designed to be the way it is. You can strengthen the foot though, before class or after consider doing extra excercises like one footed releves with your stronger foot in surlecoudepied. Also you dont have to be in your pointe shoes to strengthen your foot, in school consider working through your foot...toe ball heal in your normal shoes, there will lots of resistance but it will increase your strength. Also try doing the alphabet with your foot, this is harder than it sounds!