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Question:i have a problem stayin on beat and with the rhythm... i need some pointers on how to move without lookin dumb.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have a problem stayin on beat and with the rhythm... i need some pointers on how to move without lookin dumb.

yeah i had that problem about a year ago. what i did is just listened to various songs and listened for the beat. in a lot of songs it has to do with when the drum is used. it's hard to explain without music but try listening to some songs and hopefully you'll understand what i mean about the drums. what you want to do is try and hit those drum beats (especially the snare) when you're dancing. what i did to help with hitting beats was to tap my hand lightly on the side of my leg every beat. the beats should be coming at equally spaced intervals in most songs. try doing it to multiple songs with different speeds so that you can get the hang of it. it's tricky at first but soon in becomes second nature. it's hard to explain in words but it will (hopefully) make more sense when you try it out. if you take a dance class, try asking your teacher for some tips as well. if you don't take a class, i recomend signing up for one. as far as dancing on beat, once you can hear the beats it becomes a lot easier but it may be hard to know when to hit them. if you've ever tried making a routine up, then if you do that thing where you kind of count out the steps (and then start over the counting when you get to 8), you wanna hit the beats when you'd say the number. once again, hard to explain in words but if you know what i'm talking about it makes more sense. start out with slower songs and gradually move up to quicker ones. be patient, learning to dance on beat takes time. good luck!

Keep practicing.

It is hard to tell you when I don't know how you are dancing, but I can say that dancing is about feeling the music. You don't dance "to" the music you dance "with" the music. Anyone can do a choreographed dance, it is much more difficult to freestyle. I am assuming you want to not look dumb in a club environment. Truth of the matter is, some people just can't dance. Rythm isn't really a learned thing. Either you have it or you don't. The important thing is to have fun with it and you won't look dumb if you show you have enough balls to just do it. The dumb people are the ones who want to dance and are too chicken to just get up and do it. People are usually way more self conscious of their own dancing anyway and don't really care how anyone else is dancing :)

Have looked at Type in dancing and see what comes up. Watch what they do. Also you can close you eyes and focus on the music. Do not try to move just listen....