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Position:Home>Dancing> In febuary, i am doing a lyrical solo to Boston by Augustana....what are some go

Question:dance training

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: dance training

it really depends on what you're good at.

are you doing it for a competition? if so, you may want someone who will be completely honest look at it to give you critiques and advice and such, but if you're doing it for a recital, do what feels really comfortable and what's fun for you.

some ideas are like saut de chats, grand jetes, chasser couper grand jete turns with layouts, axel turns, i think that leaps with turns in them look really awesome in lyricals.

another idea for you is if you go on youtube or google video, and type in "lyrical solo" or something, you can watch a couple and get some ideas.

!!!just be careful not to take combinations from the pieces cuz you don't want to be stealing someone elses choreography!!! but look for steps which you think look good and try them out, see how they look in your piece, and go from there.

another good tip is to video tape yourself while rehearsing because you are your best critic and most people won't be looking for what you're looking for. and you might not like how something looks and other people might be indifferent about it or think you could do something better at that spot but are either scared of hurting your feelings telling you, or aren't sure what else you should put there so they just don't want to complicate things for you.

i hope this helps and u find some nice leaps and such. :)

omg!!! i love that song!!!

i would suggest doing some normal SOLID leaps... switch leaps (if u can pull them off, if u can't don't do them) and 2nd leaps r really pretty

good luck and happy dancing!!!