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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it ok to dance randomly i think not really unless your really happy?

Question:Yes it is..hey i dance when i go to the store, who cares if anyones watching? haha.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes it is..hey i dance when i go to the store, who cares if anyones watching? haha.

I wouldn't go around dancing randomly in public unless there's some form of set-up to display your talents. I randomly dance around my house all the time.

Why not? Just make sure theres music and you have friends with you. Cuz people might think your crazy. Unless like you said, your really happy. =)

do it!!

I dance randomly all the time! I mean, I don't go crazy in public or anything, but I'm just kinda "bopping" or moving back and forth pretty much all the time, just cuz I love dancing and moving around and stuff. It just feels natural! :)