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Position:Home>Dancing> When doing the splits...?

Question:Is the leg in back supposed to be straight, or can it be bent?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is the leg in back supposed to be straight, or can it be bent?

The further down you go the straighter it is, your back leg cant be perfecty straight unless you touch the floor.

I think its supposed to be straight, but for some poeple thats like impossible.

they are both ok... i find it harder to keep it straight but i practice both ways. and when you do get it your legs are straight....

It can be bent, but ultimately you have to practice until it is straight.

straight. dont bend it.
get it as staright as you can.

it should be straight.
if you have it completely bent, it's called a jazz split.
if it isn't straight at first, keep practicing because the back leg is the last one to completely straighten, when you get more and more flexible, it will happen.

good luck.
don't hurt yourself. :]]

no it has to be strait

Try to make it straight. If not keep stretching, because if your leg is bent your splits aren't all the way down!


both legs should be straight and touching the floor. Bending one would look awkard and be cheating.

It's supposed to be straight, but yeah, if it hurts don't do it yet!! (I pulled a muscle doing this and it took MONTHS before I could do my splits normally and easily again. NOT fun....) You can still make it look "cool" with your leg bent though. :)

It is supposed to be straight, but until you are down or almost down, that can be pretty hard.