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Position:Home>Dancing> It's Friday, who wants to go dancing tonight!?

Question:It's the Friday between Christmas and New Year's, and I feel like dancing! Who's going with me?

And what's your favorite style of dance? Mine's Cajun and Zydeco!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's the Friday between Christmas and New Year's, and I feel like dancing! Who's going with me?

And what's your favorite style of dance? Mine's Cajun and Zydeco!

Let's go do the flamenco together 8]

me, I will.. where are we going
I like to shake my ***

i love the slide

sorry but I have to leave the day job and go to the night job..wish I could..why dont you come visit me at the restaurant and get a bite before you go out though...

I have bad dancing for me!

I WILL! I love to salsa!

uh man, wish I could... I have to do the second joby job tonight and tomorrow night :o(
if I could I would probably go for some freestyle dancing... shake my booty and have fun!
me and the hubby did learn the tango for our wedding... we don't exercise it very often though.

..ooh i would love 2 go dancing every night .belly dance my specialty...

totally, pick me up on the way

it's not friday! (lol) sorry, i was busy anyway. maybe next year?