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Position:Home>Dancing> Okay, don't laugh at me, but I'm a teenage girl, and I can't properl

Question:Please! can someone teach me how to dance?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please! can someone teach me how to dance?

sorry but just shaking your hips isn't really dancing in my opinion... but to a lot of teenagers it is so i totally understand what you mean. i assume you mean the type of dancing you'd do at a school dance, not like ballet or anything. i'd suggest signing up for some hiphop classes at a local dance studio. if that's not an option ask a friend who's good to teach you. you could also just watch what other people do at dances and copy that or try youtube or something similar. your best bet would probably be lessons but that's just my opinion. have fun and good luck!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D

sorry, it was just so tempting :P

My advice would be to look up dance videos and try to learn some moves(lol). Or try to ask a friend or take lessons. Try to put your hands on your hips and move from side to side. Then make it more complicated. Also for help watch the movie Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze. That will teach you a few things.

Taking latin ballroom would help because latin dancing, (like the merengue or mambo) deals with body isolation. Body isolation is when you move a certain part of your body without moving the other parts. This would help with being confident on the dance floor also.