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Question:Say that your pointe shoes are a little loose on the heel with out using any padding. if you want padding to protect your feet and fill up the extra space so that they fit right, what would be better= ouch pouches or lamb's wool ( loose or not loose ) ?

so basically, which would take more space?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Say that your pointe shoes are a little loose on the heel with out using any padding. if you want padding to protect your feet and fill up the extra space so that they fit right, what would be better= ouch pouches or lamb's wool ( loose or not loose ) ?

so basically, which would take more space?

Between the ouch pouches and lambwool pad, the ouch pouch. You may want to combine the ouch pouch with some loose lambs wool, however, if youre packing in a lot fo it, you really need to get a new shoe. If you werent originally fit with padding, make sure to try it before you sew anything, padding can really change the way a pointe shoe fits.

In my opinion, lambs wool is best. It's fluffy and takes up more space then ouch pouches. Lambs wool is tighter than ouches.

ouch punches. trust me. @ my ballet concerts, we start freaking out all over the place cuz out pointe shoes or weird and wrong and we learn lots a tricks 4um our teacher.

u should have padding either way (if ure shoe is fine or loose) it protects ure toes. lambs wool is way too thin and ouch pouches are thicker. this grl had lambs wool in her pointes and she started 2 break down and cry in the middle of class. it hurts.
trust me.
so go with the ouch pouches!

There are some clips about pointe shoes on You tube by Lisa Howell.