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Question:What are your opinions on strippping to get through a college as expensive as a university, especially an out-of-state one?
rates are extremely higher for out-of-state stuents than in-state.
Stripping could make me lots of extra cash making it easier to get through college.
What are you opinions.
I am considering this based on what you would make.
Are strip clubs commonly found in universoty towns and cities.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are your opinions on strippping to get through a college as expensive as a university, especially an out-of-state one?
rates are extremely higher for out-of-state stuents than in-state.
Stripping could make me lots of extra cash making it easier to get through college.
What are you opinions.
I am considering this based on what you would make.
Are strip clubs commonly found in universoty towns and cities.

First, yes. College town equals strip club. To the main question, it depends upon you and it depends on the club. Clubs run by bad managers can be little more than drug emporiums and a way for the management to sleep with pretty young girls.

In a well run club it will be what you make of it. If you stick to business you can make lots of money, if you do not stick to business you could very easily run yourself into the ground. Many of the girls at any club have addiction problems so be careful who you associate with. If you have a personality that tends toward experimenting then be even more wary.

yeah its a good idea.. but you will think less of yourself.. so you have to give up your pride i guess..

expect to make 1000s...!! stripping pays extremely well!!

which college are u going to/?

why not you make a lot of money

I would not recommend it...but its your choice.

I think that you are lowering your standards and morals. You could do alot more things then stripping for a bunch of old guys, and perverts. Do what makes you feel comfortable, and just remember is this something that you are going to regret in fifteen years or so?

go talk to strippers in that area and get all of the facts.

From what I hear, the money is good, but you put yourself at risk of harm because of seedy clintele. I would not trust the establishment's "bouncer" to take care of you, either.

yes they are found just hope you know what you are getting into a lot of those girls are abused fought hit raped just know those things are looking you in the face if you do.

um if you really need the money, but if not dont do it, once you have done it you cant go back

heck no i would think that person doesn't know how to use their life correctly ,no offense to those strippers out there

Stripping does make you tons of money, if you have the body and it doesn't go against your beliefs, than go for it. If you start to do it, and you feel uncomfortable, stop doing it because your self esteem is much more important than extra money. Be SAFE!!!

Do you have what it takes to be a stripper? often strippers have thick skin and can take a lot of verbal abuse. Are you marketable in that field, do you like that type of scenery? Many strippers that make good money have bodies like goddesses

I've had a couple good friends who were strippers to pay for collage. I didn't think any worse of them,nor were they the type of strippers that do it for the drug money either. After getting their degrees they moved on to good careers and are doing fine.

Biggest question for you is your own psychology----this is a clue you might want to spend your cash on getting some help mentally.
Of course you'll make money---if you want to become a sex slave, work for organized crime, and end up a drug addict.

Unless your Mom was a stripper, and this is a "family business", you need serious conselling to understand why you would want to trade your body for cash (and the attention of anonymous scummy men.)

Go for is costly,as long as you keep your head on your shoulders and you don't need alchol or drugs for courage.... and yes there are strip clubs near Universities...Good Luck and BE CAREFUL........

I stripped for two yrs while in the military. Let me tell you when some people that i knew came in i was a little embarrassed. you have people ask you to do more than strip. you have people trying to get your number or follow you to see if they can get anything free. ;) if you know what i mean. i don't think it was a bad decision for me just a very uneducated one. the only time you make a lot of money is if you have established and reliable customers. Not everyone who goes to a strip club is old or a pervert. they express sexuality different. You really need to think through this though. ask yourself Will i still be okay with who i am? would i regret this? do i really want to get naked or darn near it for strangers? if your college is this expensive maybe just try for more scholarships. or a less expensive school.

I say if you have the body for it, DO IT! Just promise yourself you're not going to look at the $$ as a "forever fix." Sure you'll be loaded but have you seen strippers after they been doing it for 20 years? I wouldn't use someone else's money to see that.

Sorry - I don't know about money rates, but trust me on this- DON'T DO IT! Even if you make big bucks now, later on you will definately regret it. You could do so much better and you could go get a great job which pays just as much- and with an added bonus- you'll maintain your dignity! Please consider this and do whats right. I hope this helps and good luck with college!