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Question:auditioning for ballet schools soon, and tips with nerves, or how to look/act ??
any advise would very useful tbh

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: auditioning for ballet schools soon, and tips with nerves, or how to look/act ??
any advise would very useful tbh

First off, look professional. Sure, you want to stand out, but don't be too flashy. Rhinestones and huge hairbows may come off as more tacky than anything. Dress how would for class, or maybe a little nicer. A plain black leotard, with some colored detailing or in a jewel tone if color is allowed is always good. Straying from the traditional camisole with a classic halter or short-sleeved leotard can make you stand out in a way that makes you look prepared, confident, and classy. Be sure your hair is tight and there aren't too many frizzies. For your nerves, just think of it as a class. It's great if some of your friends are there, but even if they aren't you aren't alone. At an audition, you're in a room with a group of nervous, sweaty girls who have the same goal as you. Ignore any snobs or overly-confident girls. The fullest balloon is the first to pop. If you aren't accepted, you've still taken a master class, gained experience in auditions and new ideas from different schools, and gotten yourself out there!! Good luck!!!

1. dress well. solid leotard, no weird designs, tight bun, no frizzies.
2. be confident.
3. be sure to keep your posture up while you dance. Use your head and upper body. As my dance teacher says 'ballet is snobby, accept it and use it' so, its good if you look snobby when you dance because that's how it is.
4. remember the basics. pointed feet, turnout from the tops of your legs.
5. smiling helps. don't do this big cheesy grin, just have a pleasant expression. this one is very hard for me so i just kinda put the corners of my mouth up...
6. don't be nervous. relax. this isn't the only opportunity you'll ever have.
Hope this helps! Good luck!