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Position:Home>Dancing> Can everyone dance?

Question:I mean like some people are way better than other people but I don't know but when I dance I think I look awkward or is it just me? Does everyone look good dancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean like some people are way better than other people but I don't know but when I dance I think I look awkward or is it just me? Does everyone look good dancing?

yeah everyone can dance but not everyone is good at dancing... just relax people who look good while dancing are the ones who are relaxed and having a good time at the same time

Everyone can dance

yes if you just bob to the beat hehe

everyone can dance!
do simple movements that are meant to look arkward,
the pelvic thrust.
running man.
you'll be the life of the party

yeah everyone can dance but not all are good at dancing

no but if u just stand in one spot and bob up and down most women think it's cool

everyone can dance the same way everyone can sing. Sure, everyone can try it, but not everyone can do it well. I've never danced well, i like bushdances or linedances where they give you the steps :)

Yes everyone can dance if you love to dance!

No some people look awful - almost anyone can learn to dance though - take some lessons!