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Position:Home>Dancing> Having trouble remembering dance combinations?

Question:I'm really having a lot of trouble remembering combinations in dance class. I've been dancing practically my whole life, but just started in a class with a new teacher this year. I read the other questions on this, but I guess most people were talking about combinations for more than one class. I need help with them in for just one class, they're different every time. My teacher usually shows them once or twice and we mark it, then we do it by ourselves. I'm the worst in my class at this, any tips? I'm fine with combinations we build on over time, like for shows, but I really can't do the class to class ones.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm really having a lot of trouble remembering combinations in dance class. I've been dancing practically my whole life, but just started in a class with a new teacher this year. I read the other questions on this, but I guess most people were talking about combinations for more than one class. I need help with them in for just one class, they're different every time. My teacher usually shows them once or twice and we mark it, then we do it by ourselves. I'm the worst in my class at this, any tips? I'm fine with combinations we build on over time, like for shows, but I really can't do the class to class ones.

I am exactly the same! So I know how frustrating it is for you :)
Hopefully these tips will help:

-Try and get a place in the front so you can see.

-DON'T GIVE UP! I know how easy it is just to go, oh well-who cares, but really give it your all and perservere.

-Concentration is also a big part of it-don't worry about what anyone else is doing or saying.

-Mark it by yourself when the teacher is going to the stereo, answering questions, talking etc etc.

Hope this helps :)

Well, you may have problems with a sense of direction or directions.

The problems occur when you do traveling movements, where you don't know where you go to in the 8 points of direction, which is commonly used in jazz dance.


If you have seen "A Chorus Line", then you get the scoop on why trying to remember a dance combination is difficult. The best bet to deal with this problem is to learn the one-word commands in dance, especially words like....


Note also that "up" can mean "put your body up" or "put your arms up", and "down" is the reverse.

Once you master those one-word commands, you also need to go back to your dance book or dance vocabulary book to learn the vocabulary of a dance you are studying (for example, in jazz, you will hear words like jazz jump or jazz square or jazz box or stag leap).....from ballet and tap to those not-so-common dances, like square dancing or clogging.

I assume that you are probably doing ballet, jazz, or tap---perhaps jazz dance. Jazz dance is a little tough to remember "combination wise" even though some of the French in ballet is taken out.

Hope all of this helps.

thats how my teachers are they always do new combinations and they show us it once or twice and we do it....just keep repaeting it over and over in your head like what comes after what...good luck


Don't focus on the whole routine at once. Walk through the whole routine in order once. Next do the parts you can remember and try to add one part that is familiar but that you aren't quite sure about. Next do the routine backwards from end to start. Now break it down backwards. This makes you focus on all parts of the routine instead of the whole routine at once therefore will make you more confident.

If you having trouble memorializing the dance combinations. Try to get close to the front. I know this myself because I couldn't see much from the back. Focus on each dance combinations. Go in front of a mirror and practice until your positive you got it. Ask your classmate to help you practice. It'll help both of you out. When you have free time at home. Practice each of your dance. Or write down each step to each dance.