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Position:Home>Dancing> Ok so im 13 years old and just started dancing 6 months ago; iwanna go pro one d

Question:Go for it! It doesn't matter how long you've been doing it, what matters is how determined you are. Do you really love and have a passion for dance? Then you can be a pro. Just remember to focus on it and always do your best. Also, some pros started when they were like 18 so you have plenty of time to be as good as a pro. Good luck!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Go for it! It doesn't matter how long you've been doing it, what matters is how determined you are. Do you really love and have a passion for dance? Then you can be a pro. Just remember to focus on it and always do your best. Also, some pros started when they were like 18 so you have plenty of time to be as good as a pro. Good luck!

umm....yea sure you can do it...if you believe in urself then i'm sure you'd be able to do it. There are some really good dancers out there that have just started dancing at age 18. If you start dancing like after 18 years old then its a lot harder. Because children/teens seem to have an easier time of catching on quicker.
~Good Luck for Your Future

it depends on how good you are. it takes a lot of practice and commitment. I've been dancing for 11 years, since I was two and going pro is something that could likely be in my future. i can't count the amount of times people tell me how i'm such a strong and amazing dancer. have you ever been complimented on your dancing or is it just a dream of yours? dreams are great and you need to follow through on your dreams, but i'm not good at science so I would never become a scientist, you know? that's just how it is. you have to have tons of skill, practice, commitment, and heart to accomplish this.

Dancing involves a lot of hard work, commitment and a full understanding of not only dance but of yourself. You can become a professional by doing your best in what ever type of dance you are doing. Try to learn routines quickly and watch other dance classes if that is allowed. Don't try to take too many different types of dance classes because then you tend to lose your focus. Make sure you have a support team who believes in you as well. That helps build the self confidence you need to forward and further in your dance career.

um. yes but work very hard cuz most have been doing it since they were pratically born.

of course you can!
but you'll have to dedicate yourself...
you stretch and practice right now instead of being on the computor!!

you can do anything that you set your mind to.

i started dance when i was 2 1/2 k?
i do lots of dances and like it alot..if your really passionate about what you do then reach for you dream..maybe even one day you'll be performing with someone you look up to in your dance career now!!
remember practice makes perfect so if you keep practicing you'll soon be great!!!
good luck!!!

u can accomplish whatever u want if u stay focus. if this is someting u really want practice often and if u r willing 2 learn from any failures then i am sure u will become a pro one day.

yeah if u work really hard then it is possible, to become a dancer people say that you must do 20 hours of dance a week but its your choice if you want to be that intense hope this helped!