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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance moves help needed?

Question:its getting to new year eve soon and im going out with my mates and when i get on that dance floor im going to dance but i dont want to look like an idiot, can you help m out, especially girls, how would you girls like to see a guy dance, any vids you got that i can learn from like youtube that will help me, guys you can help to, any good moves i can try out on the dance floor

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its getting to new year eve soon and im going out with my mates and when i get on that dance floor im going to dance but i dont want to look like an idiot, can you help m out, especially girls, how would you girls like to see a guy dance, any vids you got that i can learn from like youtube that will help me, guys you can help to, any good moves i can try out on the dance floor

just go with the music let your body flow and relax you will be fine?eye to eye contact and just take it slow watch your partner enjoy


don't worry about looking silly!!! i can guarantee that nearly everyone else will be feeling that themselves.

forget what moves impress, it's to late to be learning complex dance moves, you'll just get more under pressure and if they go wrong will look silly.

for women confidence in a guy is a huge turn on. being able to joke about your dancing and not sitting in the corner alone will be noticed by many girls!!
listen to the beat of the music, start by tapping your feet to the beat and you'll be amazed how much your body responds.....

and when the slow one comes on...grab a girl and get smooching x x x x

good luck Hun x x x

everybody will be making arseholes of themselves new years eve. infact i think most people will be too drunk to even bother what they look like.

just let your body pick up the beat of the song and move your body to the music.

Can I come out with ya? Ive not been out for years.

This won't help you (well maybe it might), but it will make you laugh: