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Question:there was a dance 2day at school and im really bad at dancing
any tips

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there was a dance 2day at school and im really bad at dancing
any tips

if you can walk, you can dance

if you can hear the music, you can go with the beat

let your body move smoothly to the beat, sway your shoulders and hips, move your hands a bit to the sides but dont let them fly all over the place....
try to look sleek, not wild, just letting the music flow through your body.

Pop Lock and Drop it

Either go really crazy like I do, or avoid fast dances. If you can't dance, just stick to the slow dances.

Is it too late for dancing leasons? if not that'll be my suggestion to this question see how they rhyme?

practice dancing in front of a mirror with some music on ...that works.

It's funny you say that about your dancing. I have been saying the same thing about my dancing my whole life. I'm so bad that if I look at other people dancing I can't even tell who is dancing good and who isn't. I guess that's ok because we all have things we are good at and things we are not so good at. Dozens of people in my lifetime have had some good laughs watching me try to dance. I have decided to avoid it altogether since I just don't enjoy it and I don't understand it. If you can't learn dancing by watching people and taking their advice about how to dance, you will probably have to take dancing classes if you will have any hope of learning to dance.

watch music videos and see how they dance, watch your friends when they dance, practice in front of the mirror.