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Position:Home>Dancing> Okay, the school dance s on January 4th and my friend and I don't know what

Question:We want to impress a boy. Also the theme is 70s/80s but your suggestions don't have to be

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We want to impress a boy. Also the theme is 70s/80s but your suggestions don't have to be

You can do a lot with an 80's theme and be really cute without being slutty.

For example:

Look at the source too
The first one the girl on the right

Go for mini skirt, tights, LOTS OF JEWELRY, leggings, messy hair, crazy makeup, bright shoes, bright colors in general.

Just don't go too ludicrous. Make it work together but have fun

Jeans and a t-shirt never gos out of fashion.