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Position:Home>Dancing> What can i do to increase my stregnth for breakdancing?

Question:i've started to learn how to breakdance but i don't seem strong enough, what workouts should i do to get stronger?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i've started to learn how to breakdance but i don't seem strong enough, what workouts should i do to get stronger?

plank position (yoga) is really good.

lay on your stomach and with out your hands or feet try to worm your self across the floor. this is great for your core.

duck walks. squat down and hold your ears and walk around the room in that position. it will work your legs.

push ups are good but try them with your elbows in next to your side. this is a totally different work out.

keep practicing. the best way to get the muscle is to keep doing the moves you want to master over and over.

do some strength training and pushups.

welll heres the thing you cant just do push ups and planques becuase that means youd have to push yourself and let me tell you noone likes being pushed. so this is wat u do think of a bad habit you have and every timeyou do that bad habit you have to do ten pushups so then youll gian strengh and lose a bad habit