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Position:Home>Dancing> What dance seems like it would give you the best workout?

Question:And please don't say "all of them!" Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And please don't say "all of them!" Thanks!

I would say that maybe Hip-hop or jazz.I have done both and i am in AMAZING shape and maybe it would help you too.


well idk because there are alot but go with belly dances its healthy and you burn alot of caleries and pounds


Any Aerobic dance. Even just dancing to a great song that gets your body moving all over is great. I think it is the best exercising and walking is to

grinding if you are a girl, works them legs, and hips. very fun dance. love it.

sojaih boy

Well there is ballroom dancing and then if you are alone, belly dancing or latin.

Hip hop dance classes seem like they have you moving in all kinds of directions, using all limbs and hips/waist, so I would guess a dance along those lines.

the hokie pokie of course. you put your left foot in you put your left foot out and you shake it all about!

Pee dance

the funky chicken

DDR! Jk, lol.
Depends on what muscles you want to work, I'd stay. I think Ballet would be the best workout just because it's generally pretty intense. Just beware of anorexia...
Hip-hop also would be a good workout 'cause it is so wacky and fun and uses any kind of muscle imaginable. And very useful in situations where you need to dance!

I would have said tap until last night when I went to a dance performance. The lead tap dancer told me it wasn't very strenuous. Would you agree with that?

So I guess I'll say the "Two Step", because it looked very complicated and strenuous on "Dancing With The Stars".

Well, "all of them" is the truest answer,but, for my money,if you want to lose inches off your midsection then salsa dancing is what you wanna learn!Not only does it feel good doing ti,it uses core muscles to execute the moves,to say nothing of the footwork.Added plus,if the music alone doesn't make want to get up and shake your booty,nothin will and you're probably dead!
I'm 54 and I
STILL do it!

The art *** shuffle


hip hop to work that booty! lol

crank that
all 5 or 6 of them in a row

man it get so tired while having fun at all of my friends partys

I like Hip-Hop the most... When ever i try it, i get worked up really quickly.

Pretty much all dances work - as long as you give it your all. If your lazy and put in little effort into your movements, then nothing ever happens.

Have you ever seen shows like 'So You Think You Can Dance'?
After something like a waltz - or some other slow dance - they're perfectly fine.
But after some mad Hip-Hop routine or some other fast moving one, they are sweating like mad and out of breath.

So go for something thats fast moving and there are a lot so pick one that you enjoy and will stick with. Personally, I'd choose Hip-Hop/Street Jazz etc...
Hope this makes sense....

Try Contra dancing. It's insanely fun and you get so hot and sweaty! It's great though. Your heart's pumping and you're laughing the whole time. Best thing is, with the crowd I contra with anyway, messing up is all a part of the creativity, so if you mess up, laugh at yourself and it'll be a great workout.

Also Masala Bhangra. WHOA arm workout.

I would have to say the 'POLKA' !!!
I have been doing this 'Hop" step for years & just feel so good physically each dance session for the next few days.
It not only is physically stimulating but mentally as well !!!
FUN...FUN !!!

I dance jazz, and free style, yet salsa is a very dynamic to dance with a partner!

The Square Dance. It covers far more distance and trotting around than anything other than maybe the 440, and maybe more than that.

Tap is a pretty good work out. The harder and longer the dance the more tiring and better workout. I've taken jazz and when you get more advance it's a pretty good work out too.

Charleston for aerobics!
Ballet and blues for core strength and muscle control.