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Position:Home>Dancing> Question about ballroom dancing? plz help?

Question:if ur a guy do you have to be taller or the same height as the girl...i mean to take the lead...that is the guy's job...the reason i ask this is because i am not tall

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if ur a guy do you have to be taller or the same height as the girl...i mean to take the lead...that is the guy's job...the reason i ask this is because i am not tall

Finaly I can answer this question...It dosent matter the hight keep your right hand as high as her eyes and if she is taller have your left arm on her elbow instead of the scapula (back of the shoulder) good luck and if you need more info I am sure I can tell you I had to learn ballroom dancing line dancing and etiquite in 7th and 8th grade well etiquite was only a 1 day class


Leading is leading- you are directing the woman where to go. Height is of no significance- I dance with different height women all the time, including a 4'9" 86 year old woman- I am 6'2". Connection is the key. If she gives you the correct opposing connection force, you will be able to lead any woman of any size.

Being four or five inches taller than your partner helps, but it's certainly not a requirement. We all have to make minor adjustments for partner's height. Just be careful not to dance with your legs fully extended to make up for the lack of height, as that will make your dancing jerky. You need a tiny bit of flex in your knees even at the top of 3 in waltz. You may even think of this as an advantage, because you'll certainly have the incentive to keep your top line up.

The ideal height difference is 4-6 inches. That is, a leader is 4-6 inches taller than a follower. And your legs need to be of corresponding length. That's mailny for competitions, or when you're at the stage of learning technical aspects of dancing. It's not like you won't be allowed to compete or you will be judged poorly, it's just a lot more difficult to dance technically correct with a partner who's not a good match in height. If you're just starting out or for social dancing the height difference is unimportant. Now you just need to learn the steps and the basics of lead and follow. Don't be too picky about that.